While I was searching some orchestrator online. I saw the DataMiner at link:
What is this all about? Is this product from dataminer? How it differentiates than the standard dataminer we know?
SONY LEO is a vital part of the SONY IP LIVE PRODUCTION portfolio, it's standard DataMiner rebranded as LEO (Live Element Orchestrator) to perform e2e facility management capabilities including e2e system management of IP connected facilities and resources across multiple locations, remote setup, discovery, provisioning, resource management and monitoring. More details on SONY's website: https://pro.sony/en_EE/solutions/sports-live-production/sports-ip-live-production
NOTE: LEO goes hand-in-hand with other DataMiner platforms, in other words where for the live IP production SONY LEO is selected it can be 100% interfaced with your existing DataMiner system across other business-units (Playout, MCR, Headend, Contribution, Distribution, etc.). A big leap forward towards becoming a true data-driven organization enjoying all the advantages a modern organization as yours is today looking for.

That’s a great news. Congratulations and thanks.