Inquiry from End-User:
Hi Guys,
We have a DMA Demo on the Azure Cloud and we are preparing an Jobs/SRM Demo on it, but for that we would like to use Elastic Cloud, is it possible? Is there a use case for this environment? If yes, could you send me what we need to configure in Elastic Cloud? We understand that on the DMA Demo side, the settings and connectivity would be the same as for an ElasticSearch Server, correct?
Hi Zain,
Elastic cloud is currently not possible. This because Elastic cloud doesn't support to use older versions. Currently we still need versions 6.8 of elasticsearch.
We have already a task to support this, and the Core Eco domain is busy with some testing.
Kind regards,

Thibault, Simon,
Thank you both for providing a clear answer and an explanation.
Addendum to this, currently we’re working on testing compatibility with OpenSearch and will support AWS OpenSearch as a managed cloud storage once we complete work on this.
Support for Elastic 7+ is currently not scheduled.