In the Dashboards module, can you use a protocol that is not in use for filtering data?
The protocol is installed on the DMA.
I want to put a filter on a dropdown of all elements to only show the elements running that specific protocol. The value chosen in the dropdown determines of of which element the data is shown. The system is rather dynamic, elements are often deleted/created. So it is possible, like now, that there are no elements running the protocol and the dropdown doesn't have any values.

I have updated the question.
Hi Stijn,
As Sebastiaan mentioned, it will be nice if you can elaborate a bit more on your question. Assuming that you want to filter on elements, what you could do is the following:
- Data source: Get elements
- Select: Make sure that you include the columns Protocol and version protocolversion.
- Filter on 'Protocol': Since the columns Protocol and version protocolversion are string type, you could use the options available for string types (equal, not equals, not contains, regex, ...)
- Filter on 'protocolversion': Similar case as the previous filter
Based on this you could retrieve the elements that are not using a specific driver version.
Hope it helps.
Hi Miguel, thanks for the reply.
This will indeed work with queries to show element properties, but I want to use the elements as feed for state parameters. It is not clear to me why it is not possible to select a protocol that is not in use, because it is possible in the queries.

Do note Stijn that you can use the protocol name as filter as well (instead of one or multiple specific versions). That will filter the list of elements to all elements having any version of that protocol (and any future version).
Not sure if that helps or not.
Can you elaborate a bit more on the use case? Where do you want to use this protocol filter?