DataMiner generates a notification on startup.
Is it possible to trigger on this notification event with a correlation rule or is there no guarantee that the correlation engine will be started prior to the event?
If this is not possible, are there other ways to trigger e.g. an automation script when a DataMiner agent starts?
Hi Michiel,
A possible option is to trigger a correlation rule using as alarm filter the DMA element. For example, the following correlation rule could be triggered when the event 'Startup DataMiner Agent - Successful' is triggered:
Keep in mind that you will need to check the option Accept Information Events and check the option Trigger on single Events. Don't maintain active tree status
I performed a small test and I was able to run the automation script linked to the correlation rule after this event was triggered:
There is no guarantee that the correlation rule will be triggered since this case implies that the Correlation engine is started before the event 'Startup DatataMiner Event' is generated. The test above has been performed in a DMA with almost no load.
If the DMA is in a cluster, another option could be to trigger this correlation rule and script from a different DMA.

If our agent A (who got the element source of the correlation C1) is the first that restart from the DMS, we could not get message indicating that the other agent have seen Agent A starting.
when the correlation engine start, the element E (source of the correlation) could not be initialized.
So the solution, I use is:
– I create a new correlation C2 started when the correlation engine start (information event)
– The correlation C1 will start a script that will read the needed parameter from element source. Until the read is correct he will wait and retry.
– when the read of arameter of E element is correct a new message M is write on Information Engine.
– The new message E, is inserted as one of conditions triggering our correlation C1.
This should work better.