I have a GQI which collects desired Views and View IDs which the user is able to select. I would then like to pass this as part of the URL to open a specific Monitor Page.
Web Component Settings Type is set to 'WebPage' with
URL set to 'http://localhost/monitoring/view/@{View ID}/elements'
which causes an error "Cannot convert null to a value type".
The idea is to pass the selected Views 'View ID' to the URL address, so the selected views element page opens. Is this possible?
Hi Steve,
This is indeed possible using the Web component leveraging the data interpolation feature. You can use the DMAIP value and the View ID (from a table) to create the url: https://{URL.DMAIP.Value}/monitoring/view/{COMPONENT."Table 2"."Selected rows".Views.ID} . The @ sign in your URL is redundant and is causing the error.
Note that you can also add ?embed=true at the end of the URL to make the header & sidebar dissapear.

Thank you Wout, this works great.