When sending a GetTrendDataMessage through SLNet to get the hourly average trending, I'm also requesting the iStatus.
In the past this contained value "-13" after an element restart to indicate when the first value entered.
Since the upgrade to DataMiner version, I'm not seeing this iStatus value -13 anymore. It only contains -1 to indicate that the element is starting up, followed by the hourly "60" iStatus value.
I was wondering if this is intended behavior the "-13" is not present anymore or if there's a software issue since DataMiner
I have a driver that is requesting the trending and is relying on this "-13" value to know when a valid value entered and it now seems to be pointing to the value before the upgrade to 10.1.10 as that was the last -13 that was written into the database even though there were element restarts in between.
Seems that this got introduced with RN26730 that has not been documented. The reasoning was these points were not being used so status values -12, -13, and -14 got removed. The RN also seem to indicate that status values -1, -3, -5 could also be removed in the future.
This could potentially break setups if something externally relies on this as these status values also were written in the offload central database.

Unlike the -12,-13 and -14 points, the -1,-3 and -5 are generated by SLElement rather than SLDataGateway and are thus unaffected by the change from RN26730. We have no intention to remove these in the near future.
Also, I believe these points are also written to the central db (unlike the ones we removed), so we are aware these points could be used by a user somewhere, and can not be removed without possibly breaking something externally.