we are creating automated services and I don't know on which DMA the are generated. Of course it depends on where most elements are based.
In my Visio drawing I'm showing a thumbnail and I have a used a fixed IP address for this. But I would like to have this changed dynamically on where the service is based.
Where can I find the IP address of the host dma of a particular service?

Hi Marieke,
in my last reply I wrote that it’s not working. I guess there is currently no solution possible.
Hi Stefan,
I think the <DMAIP> placeholder is what you are looking for. Please have a look at the following section in our online documentation platform.
I believe it will induce the behavior you are looking for.
Fingers crossed

Hi Jeroen,
no this is not working as is just replacing the IP to which you are connected.
Hi Stefan,
Has Jeroen’s answer helped you find the solution? If so, could you select the answer (using the ✓ icon)? If not, could you elaborate on what information you still need?