Hi everything,
I am currently working with an Interra Orion OTT connector and currently have an issue with TIME.
As shown below:
Currently time captured by the connector is not in my time zone. My Time Zone is GMT+8, so the "START TIME" should show like 25/3/2025 8:25:04AM instead of 25/3/2025 12:25:04AM
I believe this can be amended in the connector .XML file but that is a tedious process. Hence, how about I just adjust in my VISIO FILE. As below is my dashboard in Visio:
As shown below is my Visio and its syntax:
The parameter 305, refers to the table earlier:
Hence may I know is there any syntax so that I can just offset the time like maybe "(305|Alarm)+8:00" or something like that. Haha.
Your assistance is highly appreciated.
Thank you very much and have a nice day!
Hi Kawzan,
The Sum placeholder allows you to add a timespan to a datetime which should allow you to offset the time with 8 hours:

Within the subtract placeholder, you can use a param placeholder like this: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Visio/reference/Placeholders_for_variables_in_shape_data_values.html#paramdmaidelementidparameterid or any other placeholder and when the placeholder updates, the sum will also update
Hi Dewitte!
Thank you for the suggestion, I look it up.
Looks like the doc tells me just tell add / subtract static time as below only:
[Subtract:14/02/1989 22:22:22,12/01/1989 11:10:9]
[Subtract:14/02/1989 22:22:22,12/01/1989 11:10:9,00:01:00,00:00:05]
[Subtract:14/02/1989 22:22:22,00:02:00]
How about if my time is always changing?
I believe I can use this wildcard thingy, *, so I try by simply doing this [Subtract:*,08:00:00]
However, the result ignores the * and only shows 08:00:00 instead of actually offsetting it. Haha..
Or might be an issue of how I add the syntax.
Thank you very much!