I have a question regarding interfacing some kind of billing system with Dataminer. My understanding is that the billing system would want to extract some information from Dataminer.
What would be the interface to use? Is there a query interface to the database, or do you extract information with Dataminer and generate an xml or excel report?
What would be the possibilities and recommended solution?
Do note that interfacing with a billing system can be much more than just looking at some APIs. Yes, the billing system as any other system can extract data from DataMiner, but typically for a billing integration there's more that DataMiner can bring to the table.
Billing typically involves rate cards (that specify unit prices: per hour, per MB, variable prices such as weekday vs weekend, per count, etc.) and the calculation of a cost (based on rate cards and logic that connects this with operational data from DataMiner, such as bitrate utilization, booking duration, resources utilized, etc.). A more comprehensive review of the requirements and expectations might be advisable here, and it would be good for the user to connect with somebody from our Product Marketing team to further review the actual goals and objectives of the integration, in order to map out the most suitable solution (which can then also be easily further evolved over time, as the underlying business models typically also continuously evolve).