We have a protocol that implements several InterApp calls. Both the protocol and the automation script are using Nuget SLC.Lib.Common version in order to use InterApp calls. However when sending the InterApp call from the Automation script to the protocol we can see that the protocol processes the request correctly and it sets the response on the correct parameter 9000001. But the automation script does not receive the response and it times out.
Here's the code snippet:
Would anyone have a clue of what is going on?
Hi Jason,
There is another question + Answer linked to your problem: interappcall-jsonserializationexception-type-mismatch
In essence to make it work, you will have to also define your custom classes used in the request or responses as Known Types.
After that, the interapp communication should work fine.
Please let us know if you need any further help!

Thank you Thijs, this solved my issue 😉