I compiled and saved my Automation script solution as a .dmapp file.
Then i would like to install the .dmapp file in my production dma cluster servers.
After i double click the .dmapp file. I have following screen.
I would like to install the file without causing the servers or dma agents to restart.
Therefore, can anyone to confirm install the .dmapp file won't cause dma servers and dma agents restart?

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Hi Mark,
To add to what Michiel said, if you are running a compatible DataMiner version, your DataMiner system should not restart when installing a Script DMApp package.
The reason for that dialog showing mentions of restarting is because it is the same UI that allows you to manually upgrade your DataMiner system.
So, if you are using a Script package generated by DIS in Visual Studio or one provided by Skyline no restarts should be required.

When installing a dmapp, a different UI is shown, which leads me to believe he is on a DataMiner with a lower version to support the double click.
This UI is meant for dmupgrade packages or old dmapp packages that would restart DataMiner.
Hi Mark
Doubleclicking the dmapp file is supported from DataMiner 10.1.0 [CU19]/10.2.0 [CU7]/10.2.10 onwards. If your DataMiner version is lower than that, then you need to install it via the Client Test Tool: Installing an application package | DataMiner Docs
Dmapp packages themselves are only supported from DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards and NuGet support (based on your other questions) is supported from DataMiner 10.0.10 onwards.
So for your usecase, you'll need at least DataMiner 10.0.10 at the minimum.
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