I'd like to be able to make a page for operators or producers to be able to change a router source for certain destinations without having to call an engineer to make that change. I can build a panel on the Router Panel module but would not like to have users login to Cube to make that change, especially when most users are using Macs.
I see user stories on how to do this but not sure if we are missing a connector or module to make a HTML5 page. Not seeing any easy way to do this in the Automation module either. Appreciate any ideas for this!
Thank you.
Hi Jeremy,
I'm not sure if you've had a chance to visit our DataMiner Dojo Use Cases Page. There, you can find some ideas on how to implement the Router Panel in Dashboards or low-code apps.
Here are a few use cases that you might find interesting:
Sony LEO – router panels
DataMiner Live Router Control Panel Sharing
Software Router Control Panel