I tried look up more information about a Prerequisite VerifyElasticStorageType.dll.
The given link however does not show any information and takes me to the regular services page.
What is this error about?
It's odd that the shortened URL doesn't work on your side. It links to Verify Elastic Storage Type which should contain all the information about why the prerequisite check has been added and how to make it pass.

I’m not really familiar with the inner workings of the booking data migration tool so unfortunately I won’t be able to answer your question. I suggest you to reach out to support.automation-orchestration@skyline.be. They will be able to look into this in detail together with you.
Hi Jeroen,
I’ve pressed the ‘Migrate booking data to Indexing Engine’ button, and now it opened a window saying following:
“Properties that contain invalid characters need to be renamed. This is a prerequisite to use Elasticsearch. You can find the current property names on the left and the suggested new names on the right.”
The problem is that it has been in a “Loading” state for half an hour.
Loading some properties shouldn’t take that long, right?