How to wrap text on table row LCA and also if there are multiple groups how to make table opened by default as collapsed?
Hi Apurva
To make text wrap in a table row, you will have to edit the column template. By resizing the text shape to have more height, the text will have the space to wrap to the next line. The wrapping itself happens automatically when there is enough vertical space left.
Collapsing grouped rows by default in the table is not possible.

There are currently no plans to implement a feature like this. Note that the table grouping doesn't fetch all rows, they are lazily loaded when scrolling in the table. This means that it could be that not all groups are shown initially and not all rows that belong to a group are shown. There are some challenges to make this work in a performant way. I have created a task to improve this behavior, we will notify you here when it has been implemented.
But that is needed if its a very long list, any other alternative or any development happening from your side?