When creating an Alarm tab page in the alarm console, use Filter to create a tab page.
If you try to add Severity durations with the Add column function, the Severity durations column does not exist.
I would like to ask if the "Severity duration" column is not available when using Filter.
Hi HyungMo,
It is not possible to add the "Severity duration" column on a history tabpage with a filter. The reason for this is that we can not calculate the severity duration correctly as it could be that some alarms are filtered out which are needed to calculate the severity duration.
The severity duration is a column value that is calculated in the client application, while the filter defined in your custom tab filter is a filter that is sent to the server.
And while I know a user doesn't really care about those details, it's important to know in this case. Because if we allow filters that are done client side alongside the others, 2 things will happen:
- The server would need to send ALL of the alarms, causing a lot of bandwidth usage
- The client would then need to filter them afterwards, causing a slower user experience overall.
There is currently no way to do client side filtering with other operators than (not) equal, although I do admit it's an interesting feature idea.