DataMiner supports suggestion events, but not all suggestion event types can be turned into an alarm, for example suggestion events for pattern matching.
We tried to create the following correlation rule to create a new alarm for :
- filter: "Is Element Equal to DMA-65"
- condition: "Is Source Equal to Suggestion Engine"
- action: create new alarm with severity Critical
Running the correlation rules only shows alarms created by the suggestion engine, but no suggestion events (where source = suggestion engine as well).
Is there a way to also include suggestion events into the above correlation rule and exclude alarms which are coming from the suggestion engine?
correlation rule & suggestion events (ignored by correlation rule)
alarms created by suggestion engine (not ignored by correlation rule - but should be excluded)
Hi Thomas,
You should include the severity into your 'Rule Condition'. This way you can make a distinction between the suggestion events and the alarms. It would look like this :

Hi Thomas,
As Veerle already indicated you can use the Severity ‘Information’ instead of ‘Suggestion’ and in your correlation rule you should turn on the option “Accepts information events”.
Hi Thomas,
The suggestion events are created as information events, that is they have severity "Information", and with Source equal to "Suggestion Engine".
In order to allow the correlation rule to be triggered by information events (and hence suggestion events), it seems you will have to select the option "Accept information events".
An extra filter on the severity can help you to distinguish between suggestion events and alarms from the suggestion engine, I hope something like this (on top of your filter on the Suggestion Engine source) might work for you

Thanks Veerle! Accepting information events did the job, now we can turn suggestion events into alarms, thanks!
Here is the correct correlation rule to turn a suggestion event into an alarm
Hi Michael. This excludes the unwanted alarm created by the suggestion engine, but still does not consider the suggestion events I am after.
By the way the severity of the alarms is not suggestion, but was a “warning high” and the severity of a suggestion even is “information”, could not find any suggestion severity.