I have written a QAction to set a GET to an API that I can trgger with a button. This works fine but is it possible to automatically run that QAction from a timer?
Hi Dominique,
You need to create a little flow inside the Protocol.xml like this:
The QAction can only be triggered by a parameter.
Here we linked it with a dummy parameter, but this can also be your button you already have.
To make a parameter trigger a QAction without writing data to it, we need to use a run actions Action.
But we still can't add this action to the timer. So we add this action to a poll action Group, and add that group to the timer.
Now the QAction should execute from that timer.
If you are wondering why we need all these steps, and what they are doing, this page should give you an overview of what is going on under the hood: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/devguide/Connector/InnerWorkingsSLProtocol.html

Hey Dominique, if you found this answer helpful, please consider marking it as the solution so others who have the same question can benefit from it too!

Hi Dominique
The flow can be:
On the timer - > (1) Group (type: poll action)-> (2) Action (type: run actions) -> (3) Dummy Parameter -> (4) QAction triggered by the dummy
Hope this makes sense!
Hi Ana, Thomas,
Thank you for the help 🙂