Hi Dojo,
when using GQI queries that are linked to element data (parameters & table data), it seems the element references (DataMiner ID / Element ID) are being stored inside the Low Code App json file.
When we transfer apps from staging to a production environment for deploying/releasing, we have to either reconfigure the LCA, or modify references in the json file.
This works, but feels a bit cumbersome. Do you have any alternative suggestions that might make it easier?
Thank you!
Hi Thijs,
It's been some time since I was looking at this, but maybe it can help you further. Can you try to use the following tool (Low Code App Editor | Catalog) which helps you to export and import apps. Since this is a script in the background, possibly logic is applied to overcome this and, if not, maybe the script can be updated with the logic. You can find the repository here: SkylineCommunications/Low-Code-App-Editor.
Kind Regards,
Indeed, this comes with a disclaimer. It was created as we often needed this functionality, as many environments have both Staging and Production setups. This will be particularly interesting as well with a DaaS setup.
Note that in our case, the Low Code App is part of a solution package.
So we are more interested on how to dynamically configure element references on deployment. not necessarily to manually export/import.
I would like to raise awareness though that this is not an official tool and LCA will not guaranteed to be backwards compatible with this.