I recently discover that the order of columns have been changed in my CSV exports with our Dataminer version 7.5 ( Export Elements from System Display)?
I was thinking that was impossible but it is not. How can I change the order ?
Many Thanks
Hi Henri,
As far as I can see, the columns in the System Display CSV exports are fixed and there's no option to re-arrange them.
The last few columns are system specific and contain element properties. The order of these most likely depends on the order the properties appear in the the PropertyConfiguration.xml file / order in which they were created.
Which column order change did you observe?

Support indicates : I think you can try to go ahead with your plan or maybe stopping the DMA just briefly for the enough time to copy the ‘good’ PropertyConfiguration.xml file and then start the DMA again. This without even switching over to the passive. Would this be an option for you?
Hi. thanks for help.
The column that moved is a property column. I Open the propertyConfiguration.xml file and the colomunm doen’t appear in it. On active server (but not on backup) the column appear at the end of file but with a that have don’t mode.
To resolv this, I think, we should:
– pass on other server and
– change file order of propertyconfiguration.xml
– restart server?