is there an option to deactivate or suspend alarm notifications when an element or service is masked for a certain time (or event) e.g. during a maintanance window without removing the alarm template? Or is there a reason, why this isn't possible or wanted? I was wondering, but it seems, that there is no option so far. I guess that this would be interesting for other customers too.
I checked also documentation, but did not found a suitable solution for that.
Hi Nico,
Your email notifications are typically triggered by an Alarm Filter, which defines for which alarms you want a notification. If you only filter on the Severity property of an alarm, you will indeed still receive alarms even if the associated element is masked. But if you check, you will see that an alarm also has a Status property, and you can use that to extend your Alarm Filter that you use to trigger your notifications. And essentially say that you only want the notification if the Status of the alarm is not Masked (in addition to the other criteria you already have).
Hope this helps!

Or did you not mean ‘notifications’ (like e-mail notification) when you said ‘alarm notification’? Because now I wasn’t suddenly sure anymore if I understood the question correctly :-).