Is it possible to sum trend data of parameters of the same table with specific indices to get a new parameter so that it is offloaded to central DB?
Use case - we need to monitor summary In/Out bandwidth of 4 interfaces of a Fortinet Fortigate connector and have the summed data offloaded.
Thank you.
Hi Martin,
I am not sure if it is possible (out of the box) to execute this aggregation and offload the result to an external DB.
The most straight approach is to update the driver to have this aggregation implemented.
Another approach that does not require updating the driver implies using the Data Aggregator. Keep in mind that this approach will allow you to generate CSV files with the required information, but it will not perform the the 'offload to DB' operation.
Data Aggregator allows you to execute GQI queries at scheduled times. The result can be stored in a CSV file. To retrieve history data using a GQI query, you could use the data source Get parameter by table ID. You can perform the sum operation using SLC-GQIO-AddColumns
Hope it helps.