Hi All,
I have several elements in different views and I need to show the aggregated alarm state for these elements. In other words, I need to have a shape, which will represent the highest element alarm state: if one of the elements has a critical alarm, the shape should be red; if all elements except one have only minor alarms and the last one has major - shape should be yellow, etc...
I need to create several "aggregated" shapes and not only for elements but for views as well. Is there a way to do it in a generic way (not using the alarm filters, or without placing the elements under the view linking that view to the "aggregated" shape)?
Thank you for your help!
Hi Alexander,
Could a ParameterSummary shape be a possible solution? It is typically used to group multiple parameters of different elements, so might be more difficult to group on the element alarm state.
Hi Alexander,
You could group the relevant elements in a service, and link your visio shape to that service.

You could maybe also provision the service with a service template, that could surely reduce the work to do this.
Hi Ive,
it is more or less the same as creating a new view and placing the relevant elements under this view. It works for a few cases, but if you need 50+ shapes (on different visual overviews) it means you need to create 50+ services/views.
Still an option but I would like to avoid it…