I need some guidance. I am trying to set some filters on alarms so i can get something specific. Below is a capture from the filters window.
I am trying to use the Alarm ID to get exactly what i want.
So, on short, the id of the alarm i want to pick is 4653069. I tried to put this value on Filters column but the alarm does not disappears or appears. If i set the value of filter to *, and i place the ID of the alarm to the severity i want (eg. Critical Hi), i can get the alarm but there is also picking other alarms as well that do not have same ID.
I do not understand how the filter works in these cases. How can i set the alarm id so i can get the desired effect ?
Also, what should i write to the severity columns ? It only accepts a number... but what should i put in?

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I found some information in the logs but i am not sure how to get it right.
Dataminer is sending SOAP Request to the unit.
The unit replies back:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"><env:Body><getAlarmListResponse xmlns="http://www.appeartv.com/automation/v1">
<msgText>No bitrate on input 10</msgText><msgSourceName>Stream</msgSourceName><msgSeverity>CRITICAL</msgSeverity>
<msgInstance>0</msgInstance><msgSetTime>2023-05-11 11:17:45</msgSetTime>
Now, i need to understand how does Dataminer translate that ID so i can use it as as a filter. So, any ideas?

Hi Marian,
Is the Alarm ID that you are describing come from Alarm ID from a SOAP query to a device or is the Alarm ID the DataMainer AlarmID parameter displayed in the Alarm console? Is the MSG ID the Alarm ID the same thing in your question?
If it is the DataMiner AlarmID then need to filter on the Displaykey column of a table and the displaykey is defined with a [IDX] in the column. In the example I attached shows the display key as IF ID [IDX]. Sometimes the Displaykey could be a hidden column. Right click on a colunm header row and you can see all the columns that are shown or hidden.
In your cut and past, I see there is a message ID. Do you know if the message ID is unique where every message ever sent will be unique or does the MSG ID represents a specific type of alarm value (i.e. Critical, Major, No Bitrate).
Hi Miguel,
Honestly you lost me.
Where can i see the display key ? How can i see the raw alarms?
I am pretty sure that the way this works is specific to my equipment. I already asked for additional information over the AppearTV drivers but there is not much.
Any other ideas?
Sorry for keep coming back but i am trying to understand how this alarming part works with AppearTV.
Thank you!
Hi Marian,
Since you are trying to alarm a specific row from a table, you will need to look for the display key column (it is the column that contains the suffix [IDX]). Normally the display key column is built based on values from other columns (values that are concatenated with a separator).
Most probably the alarm ID is included in the display key. Can you confirm if this is the case? If so, check where the alarm ID is located and try to build the filter based on this information.
For example, if the display key of the row is '4653069.MyAlarm', you could use as a filter 4653069.* (in this case the connector used the dot as separator)
Please also keep in mind that you should assign a severity to a column of that table that has a meaning for that alarm. Assign a severity to the column alarm ID does not provide meaningful information.
Hope it helps!
Hi Marian,
Has Randy’s comment helped you solve this? If not, could you add more information so we can help you further?