Had an issue where a booking didn't start due to an ResourceElementNotActive exception.
Looking into creating a bookinstartfailure script that would try to activate the resource again.
However what's the best approach to retry the "start" LSO actions on the booking?
What's the best way to recover from an resourceElementnotactive exception?
Hi Tim,
There is a 'Booking Start Failure Script' parameter that you can use to define the custom script you would like to execute when such failure happens. See RN26018.
There is an example script delivered with the SRM Framework : SRM_BookingStartFailureTemplate

Currently doing it like this:
//Enabling DVE
mainElement.SetParameterByPrimaryKey(66147, functionResource.PK, 1);
info.BookingManager.SetBookingStatus(info.Reservation, Skyline.DataMiner.Library.Solutions.SRM.Model.GeneralStatus.Confirmed);
info.Reservation.Status = Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.ReservationStatus.Confirmed;
Hi Tim, to apply the START actions again you need to use bookingManager.ApplyServiceState, there you pass the START state.
This will run the LSO again, that you defined for the START state.
Already found that one, but the question is how can I, from there retrigger my start actions?
Can I just set the booking back to confirmed and will it start the LSO script to apply the profiles on my resources for the “START” state