How do you recover an element that was deleted? I assume you use the recycle bin exactly what items from the recycle bin need to be used and where do they go?
Hi Brent,
I am facing a similar issue in a cluster of 4 failover pairs. Assuming the DMA IDs are 1,2,3,4 the element has DMA ID 4 but after it was deleted, the associated files are present in Recycle Bin of DMA 2. So should I restore the element to DMA 4 or 2 ?
Also, I see 2 of these zip files. Can you please tell me which one I need to use ?
Finally, is it better to stop all 8 DMAs and then carry out the above procedure ? Thank you 🙂

Thanks a lot Brent. The DMA only has the default ElementConnection.xml file; so I am not restoring this file alone. The other 2 I will restore! 🙂
Hey Arunkrishna,
The only reason I can think of that an element with DMAID 4 would be present in the DMAID 2 is that the element was orignally created on 4 but moved to 2 during its lifetime. It should not matter much where you restore it but I would advice to be safe and restore it on the DMA where it was present in the recycle bin.
Regarding the 2 zips. It is a bit hard to tell which to use as I have no idea what concrete data is present in the zips and which of that data is desired by you to be restored. As stated in my answer, these zips contains the ElementConncetion.xml, which is responsible for keeping track of the elementconnections. To restore this you have to merge it (not replace) with the file already present on the system. So the safe thing to do would be to look at the data in both files and cherry-pick the data that is needed.
Finally, Since some of these files are synchronized across the cluster I think it is safer to stop all agents.