Are there any instructions from Skyline on how to Partition a particular Element/Protocol's MySQL based avg trending table? I believe that some changes need to be made to the Protocol but I have not been able to find any detailed instructions on how to do this.
Thanks in advance
Hi Jeff,
This can be achieved by adding the "partitionedTrending" option in the "databaseOptions" attribute in your protocol (Reference):
Due note that this will apply to both real-time and average trending.

Jeff, as stated by DIS guidelines the adding of this option is a major driver range change. The existing data will not be migrated to the new tables, only new points will be in the new format. A custom transaction would probably need to be written to migrate the data note the table columns are different.
Thank Jelle,
That is it, a single statement is all it takes? is there any way to control how the table is partitioned? What happens to the existing table data, is there a procedure to retain the existing data? Does DM need to be restarted or just the element?
Thanks again.