I am looking for a way to make the ‘history tracking’ persistent over sessions for all Alarm console’s in all element cards.
I have been looking for a relevant entry in the settings menu but I can not find anything relating to history tracking.
In the system alarm console the setting is persistent, but in element cards I have to re-activate this time after time and this is very frustrating.
If anyone can hint a golden tip to achieve this ??
Hi Hans,
History tracking should be enabled by default on alarm tab pages showing current alarms or a sliding window. Alarm tab pages with history alarms will have this history tracking disabled by default. This behavior should be the same in the system alarm console at the bottom of Cube and in the element/view/service cards.
Like Michael mentioned in his answer, you can configure this option in the user settings, but I believe you can only do this for existing tab pages. If you add a new tab page during your session, it will again use the default settings to start from.
Not sure what your use case is exactly. Are you adding a new tab page with history alarms in an element card? This will indeed have history tracking disabled, since it concerns history alarms. This is the same behavior as fetching history alarms in the system alarm console. The default, existing alarm tab pages on an element card should have history tracking enabled. And also adding tab pages with current alarms or a sliding window in an element card should have history tracking enabled. Not sure if that's the case.
If you have any feedback, please add a comment to this answer.