I am looking for a way to make the ‘history tracking’ persistent over sessions for all Alarm console’s in all element cards.
I have been looking for a relevant entry in the settings menu but I can not find anything relating to history tracking.
In the system alarm console the setting is persistent, but in element cards I have to re-activate this time after time and this is very frustrating.
If anyone can hint a golden tip to achieve this ??
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 11th July 2023
Thanks for the hint Michael, but unfortunately this does not seem to work....
Michaël Pincket [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Posted new comment 25th October 2021
Hi Hans,
This is the only way to have the history tracking consistent between all the element cards. Maybe you can contact your TAM to see what the issue is and create a task for this.