When I receive a new ClientApps.lic and/or a DataMiner.lic file, is it sufficient to copy/paste these files on the DataMiner Agent? Or is it necessary to restart the DataMiner software?

@Ruben Vandepitte, when you say that this license will be removed. Will any client application now have permission to connect or will the clientapps license feature be included in the DataMiner.lic file?

Any client application will have permission to connect. No additional licensing will be required from those versions onwards.
Hi Koen,
As far I know, copy/pasting the files followed by a restart of DataMiner software is the way to go.

Refreshing the ClientApps.lic can be done also via client test tool by sending a “RefreshClientAppLicenseDataMessage” message. So for this one, no DataMiner restart is necessary.
Quick remark: The client app licensing feature (ClientApps.lic) will be removed from DataMiner 9.6.0 CU19 / 10.0 CU7 / 10.0.12 onwards.