How to get IP Address from HTTP Connection setup from Automation script c#?
Hi Niraj,
If I understand correctly, you are interested in retrieving element configurations (IP address/port for example) from within an automation script.
If you use DIS to develop your scripts, you can make use of the Class Library features.
A nice introduction video is available for you to learn how to use the Class Library in an automation script: DataMiner Integration Studio (DIS) Class Library - DataMiner Dojo
Then it's just a matter of finding the element and taking the host & port. In below example you can see how easy it is:
I hope this helps you out. Have fun!

Sure, when using the class library you will see the intelliSense shows you the constructor overloads: You can pass the element name or the DmsElementId along.
Small example:
int agentId = 2000;
int elementId = 105;
IDms thisDms = engine.GetDms();
var element = thisDms.GetElement(new DmsElementId(agentId, elementId));
Can i find with Element Id instead of name?