We have 2 correlation scripts that sends an e-mail to a robot that creates trouble tickets if there is a critical alarm which persists for 10 seconds or longer.
In the case with major incidents (alarm storm) you will have a situation where you want to stopt the Correlation script from sending e-mails for auto ticket creation.
Can we do this with an automation script? We would like to execute the script by pressing a button in a visio file. Their should be a major alarm that the correlation script is disabled.
If I understand the use case correctly, I would probably make the correlation mail action part of another automation script.
Script A can then contain c# code, if/else blocks or anything else that checks on a flag (a memory file value, a property...).
That flag can be set from the script you execute from Visual overview.
So in short:
- Visual Overview button executes a script "A" that sets a flag "X" somewhere
- Correlation rule calls a script "B" when it triggers
- Script "B" contains a check on flag "X" before it sends a mail.

Hello Toon, thanks for your answer. I’m going to do some experimentation:)