Hi all,
I am trying to create a dmapp package by following this link:
Creating application packages | DataMiner Docs
I've not been able to pass the Jenkins pipeline to create the dmapp. My manifest.xml is:
I've tried using the latest version of the AppPackageInstaller nuget which gives me the error that the nuget versions are incompatible:
I've also tried installing the AppPackageCreator nuget but even with the latest version, the pipeline still fails.
If I use a lower version of AppPackageInstaller (, it doesn't seem to be able to accept GitHub repos:
Appreciate any help/tips on this issue, thanks!
After making the changes with latestBuild for the main automation script and making the tags for the github scripts, the main automation script is now detected by the pipeline but the github scripts are not.
my manifest.xml looks like this:
and this is the link to the github script that I have created the tag for:
SkylineCommunications/SLC-AS-NfsSetup: NFS Setup Script (github.com)
Appreciate the help, thanks!
Hi Joshua
I had a brief look and noticed the following things:
- Never use a pre-release of the AppPackageInstaller NuGet. Those are used during testing of new features or fixes. Always use the latest released version (currently
- Using packages from GitHub repo's requires a (pre-)release of that repo.
- You can do this by making a tag with a version number (and for a pre-release you can add a '-{suffix}' to the tag version).
EDIT: For the Automation Script solution from Jenkins, you specified 'latestRelease' in the manifest. I see that there are no tags in that repo as well, so there you'll need to make a full tag (X.X.X.X) or change the manifest to 'latestBuild'.

Everything seems fine at first glance, except that you didn’t have a workflow on GitHub that actually creates the artifact and does the registration.
Hi Michiel, thanks for the reply. I’ve made some changes according to your comment but still facing some issues. I’ve updated the question with the changes and the new results of the Jenkins pipeline.