The goal is: only generate an alarm when 2 conditions from different parameters are met.
For example:
Param 1 CM Offline > 10
Param 2 CM Offline % > 5%
But we shouldn't have individual alarms for every parameter
Is it possible??
Hi Jaime,
Maybe you can add the 2 paremeters as script conditions in the correlation rule. For instance:
Parameter 350 of element 59 of DMA 7 must contain a value higher than 10
<code class="lang-txt">parameter(7,59,350) > 10</code>
Using placeholders, you can make your rule dynamic. You can find the complete info here:

Hi Jaime,
I have just realized when I copied and paste the example that same html code was added when I published the answer. This will be the condition for trigger the correlation when parameter 350 of element 59 of DMA 7 contains a value higher than 10
parameter(7,59,350) > 10
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Don’t worry Pilar, I got the idea. thanks
Hi Pilar thanks for your answer, I’ll try that