Dear Dojo,
What is the best way to use a placeholder that refers to the DMA i am connected to in a URL?
I am asking specifically for a button that should open the Cube desktop application on a certain service card. This should be possible by configuring an action (Navigate to a URL) on the button using the following URL:
cube://<IP Address>?service={FEED.Bookings."Timeline 3"."Selected items"."Query rows"."Service ID"}
I would like to replace the fixed IP address <IP Address> with a placeholder that resolves to the DMA that I am connected to so that the Cube session also uses that DMA. How can this be done? <DMAIP> as is possible to link to a web page in Visio doesn't work.
Hi Koen,
Wanted to let you know this feature will be included in the release of 10.5.2. You should be able to access the dmaip value by using {URL.DMAIP.Value}.
With kind regards