I am currently using the Microsoft Platform connector to monitor a few terminals and would like to know whether it is possible to return the named users currently logged on to the terminals.
That info is currently not available in the Microsoft Platform connector. However, it seems possible to add this if the information from Win32_LoggedOnUser in combination with Win32_LogonSession would be polled via WMI.
If I query the Win_32_LoggedOnUser then I’m getting back a list with instances of logged in users. When clicking on it, I can see in the Antecedent property the domain and name of the user. The Dependent property shows the matching LogonId. When querying Win32_LogonSession it’s returning also a list with instances. When clicking on an instance, it’s having the property LogonId that matches with the Dependent property of previous query (so the user name can be mapped) and other properties can be consulted like the StartTime when the session started, LogonType (2 = Interactive, like a user being logged on by a terminal server)
Tested this and at first sight didn’t seem to give useful data…