Hello Dojo,
Currently, for the Generic Kafka Consumer, it is necessary to use the Confluent Kafka Nuget DLL's. We added the DLL's to the repo and they get added to the DLLImport directory when installing from the catalog, but the logs continue reporting that it is looking for the DLL's in the Dataminer/Files directory. Now that we are able to use Nugets, we switched over to using the actual Nuget package and the same issue arises, we manually copy over the DLL folders to the appropriate directory but it still points to the Files to read the DLL.
So is there a way to circumvent this and have the driver always look at the DLLImport directory?
We also can not manually copy the DLL's to the Files directory since two of the DLL's, msvcr120 and zlib, are always copied over when upgrading the DMA, which means we have to go back in and reupload them.
Hi Gabriel,
The Confluent Kafka API exposes a Load method: Loads the native librdkafka library from the specified path (note: the specified path needs to include the filename). Does nothing if the library is already loaded.
This call is used in the Generic Kafka Producer specifying a path from the protocolScripts folder.