How to add a custom property in service creation via automation script and how to retrieve its value

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Dear Apurva,
As far as I know, You can use the class library in your Automation script and can get/set the values.
IDms myDms = engine.GetDms();
IDmsView myView = myDms.GetView("my View Name");
IDmsViewProperty myProperty = myView.Properties.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Definition.Name == "property name");
IDms dms = protocol.GetDms();
IDmsElement element = dms.GetElement(new DmsElementId(346, 529981));
element.Name = "Renamed Element";
if (element.Properties["CustomProperty"].IsWritable)
IWritableProperty myProperty = element.Properties["CustomProperty"].AsWritable();
myProperty.Value = "A";
// "My Property" is a read-only property.
element.Update(); // Apply the changes.
Hi Apurva,
You can find this information in DataMiner Docs:
Hope it helps.

Thanks Miguel, but how to set the property value created from custom property?
Hi Apurva,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need help with this? If not, could you select the answer that has been most helpful for you (using the ✓ icon)?