I have some parameters that i look with the property last change with a time of 3 day ago and other with the actual time but without change value, the "last Change" update value then the driver get the value or when the new value is diferente of the previus value?
Hi Juan - this indicates the last time the value of a parameter has changed, meaning the last time that it got a new value as compared to the value that it was (i.e. not last time that it was updated). If a parameter is updated, but the value stays the same as it was before, then the Last Change is not updated. If a parameter is updated, and its value if different from what it was previously, then this Last Change time stamp is updated.
If this is not entirely clear, feel free to circle back.

Correct – the time for the last change is available, not the last update.
It’s clear, im using the API to get parameters value and the response include the LastChangeUTC but it’s the only time value, there is not time fot the last updatea and not only last change?