Hi Dojo
The DataMiner documentation defines how to Display a DataMiner Map in a dashboard based on a Generic Map component and a map configuration (XML) file. https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Modules/Maps/Using_DataMiner_Maps/Displaying_a_DataMiner_Map_in_a_DataMiner_dashboard.html
On my side, the map is only appearing in a Web component using the same map configuration file. I'm wondering if I'm still missing something to make it work in a Generic Map component as well? I've put both components side by side.
The Web component settings (works):
The Generic Map component settings (doesn't work):
After selecting the configuration file in the settings of the Generic Map and clicking the Layout tab (or any other button), the Configuration box is empty again. This gives me the impression that the configuration file is not accepted or saved correctly.
Could it be that my configuration file is not correct or not complete? Or do I need to use a configuration file for the Generic Map component other than the one below?
The Starlink-Telemetry-API.xml file that is stored in the C:\Skyline DataMiner\Maps\Configs directory.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<MapConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<Center latitude="0" longitude="0" />
<Layers name="Layers">
<Layer sourceType="table" refresh="300000" name="User Terminals" visible="true" autoFit="true">
<TableSourceInfo style="markers">
Dashboard About:
Server version
Web version 10.3.9 (CU1)
Time zone Local time
Cube About:
Versions for agent DMA01:
Server version :
Client version : 10.4.2401.1570-47fb5949
Launcher version : 10.3.2324.534-f6dadc78
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards

Hi Miguel. Thank you for your suggestion. I am aware of the new Maps component with GQI query and managed to make it work with this approach. Still I would like to know why I’m not able to use the Generic Map component. Do you have an idea?
Do you have only one maps config (xml)? Or multiple?

Hi Wim. Only one file is available in the C:/Skyline DataMiner/Maps/Configs directory. The one shown in the question.
Thanks for reporting this issue, it is a software issue. A task has been created (DCP229216) to get this fixed.

Thanks a lot Wim!

Hi Michiel, wanted to let you know that the issue has been resolved in DataMiner 10.3.0 (CU12) and 10.4.3 (RN38394).

Okay that’s great. Thank you Sebastiaan!
Hi Michiel,
If you are referring to the new map component in dashboard you will need to use a GQI query as data source for the map: