I have a matrix element with visual matrix component, but with no inputs table and no outputs table.
I know how to make a crosspoint with the visual matrix component, but I'd like to create a Visio button to trigger a SET command to do the same thing by defining shape data.
I was able to figure out the parameter ID for the matrix object, but can not find the way how to specify the input and output as a parameter for a crosspoint from there.
Hi Mahito,
You can use a comma separated format to indicate input, output, state.
For example a shape with "Execute" shape data "Set|[DMAID]/[ElementID]|[ParameterID]|1,15,1" will set the crosspoint of input 1 and output 5 on a 10x10 matrix.
In this syntax inputs and outputs are counted 1-based and continuously, so if you have 10 inputs on your matrix, the first output will be identified as "11".
Execute "Set|[DMAID]/[ElementID]|[ParameterID]|1,15,0" will clear that same crosspoint.

Hi Michiel,
Thank you for your answer.
Solved my problem !