If a protocol version is made available by Skyline for a customer who is having up to three or four different DataMiner Clusters; does it pops up in the update centre of all the clusters?
and if the protocol was downloaded by the customer from the update centre of one of the clusters what is the expected behaviour on the rest? does the protocol will remain available on the update centre of the rest of the clusters or it will disappear since it was downloaded already by the customer?
Hi Kawssar,
Yes, if a protocol or connector is available for a customer, it will be available on all DataMiner Systems of that customer.
And it doesn't matter if the connector is downloaded on one of the clusters or not, it will always remain available on all DataMiner Systems of that customer.

Yes indeed, the initial proposed version might be different from cluster to cluster. If the connector is already installed, the update center will propose the latest version from within that branch… So, that’s the reason you might see different versions.
Thanks, Bert for your answer that is very clear, however, for example, I have Microsoft Platform available in all my clusters but the update centre is showing or proposing different versions in each cluster, that is why I just wanted to understand the logic of proposing the recent version of the protocol, and why it is different from cluster to another? But as per the answer from Masschelein, I guess “Show all available updates” will help to discover all the available versions and to decide which one to be used.