Hello! My goal is to create a search bar in my main element view.
The element is a decoder and with the search bar I would be able to select a service that it is decoding via a drop-down menu, and then it would automatically populate with all of the statistics on that service.
The service names in the element are in a table, under Display Key [IDX]
Using session variables I am planning to create a drop-down menu for the selection.
However, I am stuck on this bit...
SetVar - MyVar1:[Param:...]
If I hard-code this section using the services names, underneath the Display [IDX] collum in the parameter table, I'll be able to get what I need. However, I need this to become a dynamic process as services are constantly being removed and added.
Can anyone assist with this?
Hi Amber,
You will likely need to create two shape data fields to dynamically populate the drop-down (combo box). The first data field is SetVar and its value should have the following syntax: FilterVariable;[Param:DMAID/ElementID,TableID]
The second data field is SetVarOptions and its value should have the following syntax: Control=ComboBox|displaycolumn=ColumnID
You can find more information here:
Hope this helps.

Hi Pawel Bochenek, thank you so much for your answer! It worked perfectly!