I am building a dashboard where I need the count of active elements per DMA. (I need the DMA hostname to identify it though..)
Using GQuery I can get the Dataminer Host ID per element, but I don't see a way to get the DMA hostname.
How can I get the DMA hostname?
Thank you.
Bruno Sousa
Hi Bruno,
DMA information isn't available yet as a GQI data source. You could duplicate such information in a table parameter and join it on your aggregated result though.
We'll put this topic on our product backlog and we'll update this answer once it has been implemented.

My suggestion depends on the ability to create a custom protocol (containing a table). If you have this, you could create an element and table containing a row for each DMA. In your query, you could join your query onto this table (it’s similar to how joins work in SQL) in order to enhance it with more data.
Hi Sebastiaan,
“You could duplicate such information in a table parameter and join it on your aggregated result though.”
Could you please share with me an example on how to do this?
Thank you.
Bruno Sousa