Hey everyone,
I was able to access the Dataminer Agent using Cube.
I would like to connect to the device as soon as possible, but I don't know where to start.
Please advise.
Hi Amer,
Do I set it up in this window?
I’m planning to connect V_matrix this time, do I have to Upload the Protocol file?
Also, can you tell me the web app for Dashboard?

I checked the Protocols & templates and it empty.
In this case, where can I get the Protocols for V-matrix? and how can i upload the protocol file?

Hi Motoki, you can find all of the protocols we have available over on catalog.dataminer.services. Note that you will need a license before you are able to get the protocol on your DataMiner agent. For that you will need to contact our sales team (sales@skyline.be). More information on getting protocols uploaded to DataMiner can be found here: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Protocols_and_templates/Protocols/Adding_a_protocol_or_protocol_version_to_your_DataMiner_System.html.

Thanks Baptiste,
I am a Trial licensee, so I know there is a limit to the number of devices I can connect.
But I didn’t know that I have to tell the licensing team for each Driver….
If you do not have the protocol file you have to upload it but you can check the protocols in Apps->Protocolos & Templates.
and for the Dashboards App If you go on the left side Apps-> Dashboards(Under Web Apps) it will open it in your default browser and you must login again.