Hello Dojo,
I noticed that on a Dataminer 9.5 running MYSQL that the average trending values differed depending on the parameter type. While comparing, I saw that the one took iStatus=5 records every 5 min and the other parameter took an initial iStatus=5 only one time. Also one has min and max values of both = 0 (This only took one record). The other had a min of 100 and a max of 1( I have no idea why the min is higher than the max) but this parameter took records every 5 min. See screenshots below.
Is there any further documentation I can refer based on different parameter types and how they are treated in the database with regards to trending?
I was also wondering why the max value was 1 and the min value was 100 here?
Thank you!
Hi Ryan,
You can already find a nice response about how trending is calculated here.
When looking at trending be aware of the different iStatus values, I can indeed see in your seconds screenshot some rows have their Min and Max value on 0 but this is because this are initial records .i.e. First values received which have iStatus -13.
You can find some explenation about different iStatus parameters here:
-1 Startup element
-2 Pauzing element
-3 Activating element
-4 element in timeout
-5 responding again
-6 stop element
-7 eg. "Not Available"
-8 Normal after a -7
-9 Param trend start
-10 Param trend stop
-11 Param value cleared
-12 New value after -11
-13 First received value
-14 First value is exception
-15 new row
-16 delete row
-17 Monitoring actived
-18 Monitoring disabled
-5 5 min records
-60 1 hour records

Regarding the part why the minvalue is larger than the maxvalue.
If the parameter that is trended is a discreet/string parameter the fields take on a different meaning
numeric trending (normal)
MaxValue: the highest value that was monitored
Avg: a weighted average absed on all the values and how long they were present in the window)
MinValue: the lowest value observed during the window
In case of Discreet/string trending
MaxValue: the value that had the highest count
avgValue: the value that was active the longest time
MinValue: the percentage of time this value was active.
120 is used for daily records if activated in the settings