Is there an indicative time frame for when HLS video thumbnails be supported within the grid component in low code apps. Reading the below post it looks like there is already a backlog task (DCP218193).
Thank you.

Hi Sebastian,
Indeed, this will work for us.
I can see that version 10.4.5 is scheduled for release in April.
Thank you.
Hi Pawel,
I had a look at the task and the task is not yet picked up and is not at the top of the backlog. I would suggest that you raise the request under your M&S project, so it gets higher priority.

Hi Michiel,
Thank you for the update and suggestion.
I’m not sure if this will help, but the web component will support feeds in 10.4.5, see: https://docs.dataminer.services/release-notes/Web_apps/Web_apps_Feature_Release_10.4/Web_apps_Feature_Release_10.4.5.html#dashboards-app–low-code-apps-web-component-and-text-component-can-now-be-linked-to-a-feed-id_38993
With this, you should have flexibility of presenting HLS content based on user interaction in a LowCodeApp e.g. selecting a row of a table can change the web HLS visualization.