I'm trying to Hide or Show a shape based on Alarm Severity of a Parameter.
Specifically if a parameter has no alarm severity at all I want to hide a shape.
In this example screenshot the Input 3 L/R Chanel Fail parameters have no alarm severity, whereas Input 1 and 2 above it have a NORMAL severity.
From https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Visio/miscellaneous/Extended_conditional_shape_manipulation_actions.html
"Logical expression"-"Alias1"|"Target"|"What"|"Condition"
What: Can be configured as follows:
- NAME: [Name of the element, view or service specified in the Target]
- PARAMETER: [Parameter ID]
So basically I need to use two WHATS, the Parameter and the Alarmlevel combined.
Having a play with different combinations for a SHOW tag not able to construct something that works here.
<A>-A|[this ElementID]:1005|ALARMLEVEL|>=NORMAL
<A>-A|[this ElementID]|Parameter:1003|ALARMLEVEL|>=NORMAL
Is there any smart ways do use shape manipulation actions to be able to show/hide shapes based on alarm severity of a parameter?
Hi Sam, I believe what you are looking for is using a separate shape which is colored to the same as your background and set as the top-level (bring to front) shape for each alarm LED which will hide when alarm severity is present.
I believe the following shape data will work. You may need to adjust the logic some or change the separator from '-' [sep:-^] if '-' is used in the element name.
For the top-led shape, set the following as the shape data:
[shape data label] | [value]
Hide| <A>or<B>-A|[this ElementID]:1005|ALARMLEVEL|>=NORMAL-B|[this ElementID]|Parameter:1003|ALARMLEVEL|>=NORMAL
Options | NoAlarmColorFill
This should then hide the top-level background-colored shape if parameter 1005 or 1003 has a severity allowing the alarm LEDs to be seen. Otherwise, the background-colored shape will cover the alarm LED.