Can someone provide me with the Dataminer Help link regarding Alarm Groups and Alarm Suppression. I cant seem to find anything on this topic.
Grouping alarms can be done via correlation rules:
Suppressing alarms can be done via masking:
Or suppressing alarms can also be done via editing your alarm template:
Hi Ken, you might want to check the following page: Advanced analytics features in the Alarm Console | DataMiner Docs for Alarm Grouping through AI, i.e. Automatic Incident Tracking.
This DataMiner Analytics feature groups active alarms that are related to the same incident, so that the Alarm Console provides a better overview of the current issues in the system. Unlike Correlation tracking, this can happen completely automatically, without any configuration by the user. DataMiner Analytics automatically detects which alarms share a common trait and groups them as one incident.
Hi.. Thanks for your answers. Below is a screen shot of the options I require documentation on. Cant seem to find any

This seems to come from a specific protocol? What protocol are you using in your case?