Hi All
Without going into my total setup I was wondering if it's possible to get a RowStatus state indication on my table that has columns all set to retrieved? Reading the docs below my understanding is it works with SNMP, WMI tables or tables with retrieved columns.
My table gets updated with a Qaction but my rowStatus column stays "Not Initialized". Was hoping to see one of the possible values for these cells showing if the row is new, updated etc.
• Updated (1)
• Equal (2)
• New (3)
• Deleted (4)
Recreated (5)
I've managed to get this to work before using SNMP but for this case, what am I missing?
I've tried setting the RowStatus Column to both "retrieved" and "state" for the <ColumnOption> type.
Resources: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/schemadoc/Protocol/Protocol.Params.Param.ArrayOptions.ColumnOption-type.html#state
"The state column is a column that can be used when retrieving SNMP or WMI tables, or tables consisting of retrieved columns"
Hi David,
It looks like the documentation is not complete in describing how to use the state column. Only when setting all rows in a single call with either FillArray, SetColumns, FillArrayWithColumn will the state be updated. I believe this functionality is tightly coupled with the SNMP and WMI implementation, and support for "retrieved" columns is merely a result of that. Therefore, requests like Set-, Add- and DeleteRow are currently not supported.

Thanks Floris for your comment. I’m just going to do this with a QAction with my own code. Thanks for getting back to me.