We use GitHub as a company for repository storage and version control on all out protocols and automation scripts, with all of the being converted to or created new as solutions.
Looking at one or two older ones the .gitignore file is missing, so files from the obj folder and others are being pushed to GitHub.
Should DIS be auto creating and or updating the files to ignore in this file?
Do we just need to copy one from an existing solution to get it setup correctly?
Hi Philip
DIS is not responsible for adding the .gitignore file as that is purely linked to git itself. This way users can change their .gitignore file to fit their needs without the risk of DIS overwritting it.
You can indeed copy one from an existing solution or manually add one.

Where did you find that info that DIS might modify that file? As I’m not sure if that is correct at all and want to make sure our documentation is correct.

Note that if you create or copy the .gitignore file and push it, git will not automatically remove the files that are already in git. You will need to delete them manually, push the file deletions, and from the next commit onwards the files will no longer be pushed to git.
Michiel Oda it was just in conversation, not documented anywhere.
Thanks Michiel Vanthuyne, I was thinking that might be the case.
Something that worked for me to clear the git indexing and only add back in what should be included on GitHub, after adding in the .gitignore file was
git rm -r --cached . && git add . && git commit -am "Remove ignored files" && git push
Which clears the entire cache, adds everything back into the cache that's not excluded by the .gitignore, creates a commit and pushes the changes.
Thanks Michiel,
It was mentioned that DIS might modify that file to add ignores, which is why I was thinking in that direction.
thanks for confirming I can use an existing one.